Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 1 progress report :

What we need to complete:
1. finalize event
2.decide character and settings
3. Brainstorm on design
4. consider the plot, language used, colour used, font used, and the illustrations

What have we completed:
1. finalized events; decided to do on bicycle incident
2.characters; dad, 2 soldiers and tae-yul.
(abuji as dad, mike as tae-yul,)
3.made a draft of the text in the whole storybook
4.The ending of the story (will be changed here and there as the outline says and the ending will be a happy ending)

What we have not completed:
1. considerations are not done(only the language done;rhyming text)

What we want to work on:
1.brush up on our text [rhyming, grammer, vocabulary (simplicity)]
Next week, we are planning on:
1.finishing up undone work from week 1
2.the coming tasks on week 2

1 comment:

  1. I have posted the format in which i want all groups to follow when they post their progress checklist on their blogs. Please follow that format.
